We try to make our sessions affordable for people. Further financial assistance is available in the form of discounts.
- Stacking multiple discounts pt 1 & 2
- List of Available specials
- New Client
- Buy 5 Get 1
- Frequent visitor: Monthly + Special
- -S- discount: Service industry/Student/Starving artist
- Cash discount
- Binding
- What is a service industry worker?
- What is a starving artist?
- Do I have to be a current student?
Can I stack my discounts?
(i.e. use more than one)
In general, you can stack discounts, but most are limited to two, and capped at 25-35%. Please ask if yours qualifies.
• 35% is capped at 4 maximum a year, and
• 25% is capped at 6 maximum a year
• Rolling 12-month
Remember, when stacking discounts :
If allowed*
⤑ 10% plus 15% is ten percent off the lowered ninety percent price.
⤑ It does not matter which comes first
⤑ Starting with 100
⤑ ⤑ 15% 0ff of 90 is 76.5
⤑ ⤑ 10% off 85 is 76.5
(That’s 23.5% not 25% off, but; at least you can use both!
* verify if stacking is allowed for the requested discounts
Available discounts include:
- New Clients: Buy one get one at half price.
Must be used 7-30 days after your first visit
- Buy 5 get one 50% off (Total savings, ~8.3% off)
- Getting 1 or 2 each month?
Your second session each month is 5% off.
It’s a long month! We give you a 5-week grace period.
(5 weeks = 35 days)
- -S- discount: Service industry, Student, Starving Artist 25% off.
This is a sliding scale, please don’t abuse this, we understand times can be tough. This is intended to help over the rough patches. Hence the motto:
⤑ Good day? Celebrate with a massage!
⤑ Bad day? Recover with a massage, we’ve got you covered.
If you max out the full 25% off every visit, its use is limited to 6 in a calendar year. {Therapists discretion i.e. 24% off is still essentially 25%}
**See Below for what qualifies**
- Queer support: We extend the -S- Discount to our LGBTQ friends in need. Plus, if you bind, we offer our half hour massage at half price.
Our half price special is available weekly for the first 8 uses.
After 8 uses, we ask that you only use it once a month, and if you need a second visit, use the -S- discount for a second session in a month. (This resets on your anniversary — discuss a reset if you need the 8 later in your cycle after only using one a month)
- Our Veterans are able to get a discount through a referral by your VA contact or Dr.
- Cash discount: Medical massages are both extra work, and extra risk. Thus, are priced as such. Paying cash may incur a discount, but superbills and extra notes may become unavailable.
- Cash discount: Convenience fees waived
What is the service industry?
If you work for tips, you qualify. i.e. bar and restaurant workers, hairdressers/barbers, nail tech’s, Uber/Lyft/Taxi drivers, barista’s, etc
What is a student?
Do I have to be a current student?
If you are a currently enrolled student with valid student ID or have been in the last 6 months. Including Graduates.
What is a ‘Starving Artist’?
If your main income or a significant portion of each week is from one of the arts, music, theater/stage/dance, or visual/media arts i.e. video/movies/shorts, fiber, painting, drawing, etc.
If you are on the corner busking, or are touring, you qualify.
What does/doesn’t qualify?
- NO: If you are with a major crew, i.e., major SAG performer i.e., $70k/year or more, you probably don’t qualify.
- YES: However, an extra making their minimum doing it as a gig where you’re struggling between the few shows you’re lucky to get, you probably DO QUALIFY.
- NO: If you are with a big business, i.e., full insurance and/or are given matching HSA/FSA assistance, you probably don’t quality.
- NO: In other words, if you do graphics for a major company instead of selling your wares in any way you can, you probably don’t qualify.
- YES: If this art is your passion, and you’re selling your personal creations in any way possible, you probably do quality.
- NO: If you’re a stay-at-home spouse, creating art because you’re bored versus the partner helping make ends meet. You probably don’t qualify. (You may request a review)
- YES: If you’re the partner struggling to make ends meet for the house, you probably DO qualify. (You may request a review)
- YES: Dance, Aerial/Apparatus, Gymnast, etc qualifies.
- NO: If you’re a major production, Broadway, Major Label Sponsored, etc., Dance, Aerial/Apparatus, Gymnast, etc., you might not.
- YES: If you’re an independent band touring in your beat up rusted out van/car, YOU QUALIFY. (small BMI?)
- NO: If you’re a major label band (SEG/UMG/WMG/EMI),
play big venues i.e., over 1000 capacity; you probably DON’T QUALIFY